Resources for the body and mind

What is Dry Needling? And Why It Helps

What is Dry Needling? Dry needling is a treatment method involving the insertion of very fine, stain

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6 Pro tips for the best Work-Station set

Why is this important? Because a poorly set up work station may lead to injury and cause significant

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Telehealth is NOW available!

The Geelong Osteopathy Group is now offering Telehealth! This appointment option is a great alternat

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Geelong Osteopathy Group & COVID-19

To all our patients, We hope you and your families are keeping safe and well at this time. At the Ge

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9 Proven Ways to Improve Driving Posture

All too often we see patients at the Geelong Osteopathy Group who suffer back pain whilst driving. G

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What Does An Osteopath Treat?

The short answer is an Osteopath treats the same conditions as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist! Th

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